简介: In the harsh, yet beautiful Australian outback lives a beast, an animal of staggering size, with a ruthless, driving need for blood and destruction. It cares for none, defends its territory with brutal force, and kills with a raw, animalistic savagery u
In the harsh, yet beautiful Australian outback lives a beast, an animal of staggering size, with a ruthless, driving need for blood and destruction. It cares for none, defends its territory with brutal force, and kills with a raw, animalistic savagery u展开
Ôgon bat: Matenrô no kaijin/Gold Bat: Matenro no kaijin/The Golden Bat: Matenro no kaijin/Ōgon Bat: Matenro no kaijin/Phantaman: Matenro no kaijin/Phantoma: Matenro no kaijin/黄金蝙蝠/摩天楼的怪人/黄金骷髅/摩天楼的怪人/